A court order showing the name change (Adoption, legal name change, federal identity change).A divorce decree showing the name change.A copy of a state issued marriage license that includes the original signature and seal from the clerk of the court.If you are submitting your request online, please attach/upload supporting documents, which must be one of the following:

Please log into your MQA Online Services Portal account to submit your request and enter your full name as it appears on your legal documentation. Name changes require legal documentation showing the name change.

If you are renewing online and need to change your name, please follow these instructions prior to renewing your license: Note: Do not submit certificates of completion of in-service hours to the Florida Board of Nursing.Initiating contact to confirm the receipt of fees or the status of your license prior to this time will not expedite the renewal process. The process of renewing a license and receiving a printed license in the mail may take 7-10 business days.You should contact your board office for further instruction. If your license was Delinquent/Active before the renewal deadline, it will be moved to Null and Void status after the renewal deadline.The delinquency fee will be in addition to your renewal fees. If you are renewing your license after the expiration date and your status still indicates Clear/Active, you will be assessed a delinquency fee.Please note that you can now renew online, print a copy of your application summary and mail it with your cashier’s check or money order to: